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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Your Writer's Voice: Step 10

Step 10: Now look at all the versions of your sentence. Is there a prior version that is actually stronger than the last? Which sentence now strikes you as the most original...the one less likely to have been written by someone else?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Your Writer's Voice: Step 9

Step 9: Sometimes the most effective and intriguing way of getting a message across is to whisper it (rather than shout). How would you revise make it more suitable for being whispered?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Your Writer's Voice: Step 8

Step 8: Now imagine that you look down and see that the crowd below has disappeared—except for your greatest enemy. He says, "I didn't hear you. Would you repeat that?"

Given one last sentence, addressing one's enemy, instead of an anonymous crowd, can inspire in different ways. You don't want to give your enemy the last word—to counter in a way that would pre-empt what you've said. Can you alter your sentence in a way that will make it enemy proof?